WARNING: This volume of traffic and money can not be personalized with Google ™ ™, Yahoo ™, banner advertising, social bookmarking, are social networks, blog, Facebook ™, Adwords, SEO, writing, articles, communication media buying, advertising, Twitter ™, creating links combining e-mail drops and strategic alliances Adswaps!
FACT: You are boring, too complicated, too heavy, too expensive, too stressful, time and overcrowding.
All it tooks this 3 easy steps:
Date: 17 October 2010
From the Desk of Latif
After 4 years online money is not always an essential element for success is necessary and ...
... Traffic!
I can honestly say you need to get online to make money traffic.
I immediately got traffic and I'll prove it with my many years of experience, there is nothing easier than that
Four years is a long ... the 48 months, 1461 days, 35,064 hours or 2,103,840 minutes learning all the tricks in the book. I even spent more than $ 100,000 to learn these so-called "technical". The averages $ 2,083.00 per month.
I do not think you have so much time on your hands or because so much money.
But I can tell you that ... I was there.
I spent my hard earned money in each of these rounds and lost a lot of time in recent years.
I have tried Google AdWords ™ ads, banners, write social bookmarking, social networks, Facebook ™, SEO, blogging, articles, media buying, small ads, link building, e-mail drops, adswaps, joint venture partners. .. and finally ...
... nothing has been achieved ...
... because they are too boring, too expensive, too complicated, too much time with endless days and nights of hard work. I took a net traffic and visitors to 10 if I had the chance.
He will one day and the next work ... I began my investigation of what I did wrong. The fact is ... They do nothing wrong ... we are simply using the old methods, overpopulation, not perfect work yesterday, today!
"Cosa" This whole row, earning money was new for me to ... I had no idea what they do and where to start or how. The only thing I am on the mind of how "some" money, but I learned that I needed immediate traffic, and it was fast.
I knew you could do, as I have seen all the other traffic and rake in cash, except me.
The fact is ... Once you know how to get a snapshot of constant increase in traffic, you will begin to see that cash generated continuously in their accounts as well.

Let me ask you a question?
And if you could, many people quickly find files of $ 0.00 or $ 112.58 to $ 2435.85 $ 2330.19 $ 3508.66 or even a day for you?
What happens if you can copy and links "simple" pasta and countless people who pay the amounts of each week, like clockwork?
But first ... Have you tried one of these traffic generation techniques that I mentioned above? None of them more in his favor?
Were they too heavy? Too long? Too technical? Requires a lot of work? Too much stress? He ended up being too expensive? Too difficult and you really frustrated?
Well, that's about to change radically ... Once you get your hands on this software.
This is the first time in their search for the flow of money doing online? If so, just take months and years of frustration!
I even saved several hundred thousands €. I am pleased with the purchase of useless reports, books, movies, webinars, podcasts and videos that are finally catching dust on your computer. As at the end you know ...
There are a lot of work.
It is sad but true, as most people have never been able to make money online, for three reasons:
First ... may not trade secrets * * BIG by other people who are making thousands of dollars every day.
Second ... is somewhat misleading unwanted information there that makes it very difficult to start.
And finally ... what you learned so far too technical, too complicated and time consuming with little or no results in the final panel.
The fact is ... You do not have much traffic (visitors) per day on a regular income to make. It's that simple.
And I have not behind a computer screen day and night to be sitting on them.
But what to put most people and it's not what happened ... Right?
So today, you're about to do something * new and unfamiliar. You are about so much traffic that will literally change your life to create ... overnight!
Back then this kind of money was a pipeline dream for me too and it surely wasn't possible from the usual rehashed techniques that are infecting the internet as you read this. The truth is...
This means tearing up
every rulebook. It means doing the
OPPOSITE of what everybody else is doing wrong. It means...
 | WALKING AWAY from Google Adwords™ |
 | WALKING AWAY from Article Writing |
 | WALKING AWAY from Twitter™ |
 | WALKING AWAY from Banner Ads |
 | WALKING AWAY from Backlinking |
 | WALKING AWAY from Blogging |
 | WALKING AWAY from Facebook™ |
 | WALKING AWAY from Social Bookmarking |
really simple
once you see how I'm doing this. So simple that this kind of traffic will seem normal after a while...
And for the record, you...
 | DON'T need any previous experience |
 | DON'T need any technical skills |
 | DON'T need a website |
 | DON'T need to write articles |
 | DON'T need to wait 6 months for results |
 | DON'T need to work all day and night to make ONE sale |
This software can be used by
anyone ... and we're talking about people who came online for the very first time, even
It's a simple to understand
, user friendly traffic generation software that pumps out cash the other end AND it
screams ...

 | I’M DONE paying Google all my wages |
 | I’M DONE working month after month building "SEO" websites |
 | I’M DONE trading time for money, with pennies in return |
 | I’M DONE typing till my fingers hurt |
 | I’M DONE having to beg experts to help me out |
 | I’M DONE having to be skilled at 101 different things |
 | I’M DONE stressing out getting traffic |
Now I want to ask you something else...

It's NOT because the internet doesn't work or there's nobody buying online ... it's because millions of people who try don't know what they're doing.
So let me share some 'quick'
hard cold facts with you...
Comscore.com reported a 10% increase in people buying online taking the figure close to $34 billion in a quarter (that's just in 3 months).
But that's not all ... in just the UK
alone $7.8 billion was spent online in July 2010.
Take a look at the chart below. More and more people are getting connected to the internet every 'single' year and only a small handful of people are
serving them and cashing in HARD.
LOOK!! There's 1.9 BILLION people on the internet today. That's
a lot of people online buying a lot of stuff believe it or not...
... so don't you ever ask yourself...

Bluntly... you're not getting the traffic you should be getting as you're probably too busy using outdated techniques that worked perfectly, back in the year 2000.
The problem is, most people waste valuable time and money trying these techniques, competing in
crowded spaces, using traffic generation methods that are very difficult to work with.
Can you recall doing
endless hours of work, day and night and not getting the desired results? You spend days and weeks putting in the 'work' and in the end, there's nothing to show for it.
You don't stop there ... you try again and still nothing happens. You begin to enter an
endless cycle of working more and more and begin to suffer more as a result too.
really doesn't need to be that way...

 | | Google Adwords
A goldmine for getting traffic? I got sucked in and lost a lot of money. At times I was paying up to $30 a CLICK for my website to appear. YES!! Just a click. Even if a visitor didn’t buy, I still had to pay Google™.
I was out of pocket in no time.
Recently they closed over 30,000 accounts across the globe because they didn’t like ‘something’. Legal or illegal, it doesn't matter. Google can do whatever they please. |
 | | SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
This word means nothing more than having your website accessible to the search engines to improve the chances they will serve it when a 'potential' customer searches for your product.
Be prepared to spend months agonizing day and night over your site layout, LSI, backlinks, meta data, anchor links, do follow backlinks, avoiding the sandbox, and you'll see the complications will go on and on... |
 | | Article Marketing
This is where you write a 750 word article about your product, indirectly selling it, posting it across multiple directories to get visitors to your site (or the one you’re promoting).
It's overcrowded as it's been 'heavily' used since the birth of the Internet. How many article directories are there now? Hundreds of thousands ... so do be patient and expect a few visitors or 10 every week and maybe ONE sale at the end of the year, if you're lucky. |
 | | Backlinks
This is where you request a link back to your site IF only you placed their link on yours. But what if you don’t have a website? How are you going to get backlinks?
Are you really boosting your visibility 'chances' on the search engines by getting more and more daily backlinks? It's time consuming and a lot of WORK.
You'll end up spending more time and money building a HUGE network of backlinks ... months of boring, gruelling work, hoping and praying it will eventually pay off. |
 | | Blogging
The biggest and most influential bloggers are 'loaded' with cash today as most of them started back in 2001. Now, everyone has a blog ... and that means you're going to have to do something truly spectacular or unique to get 'some' attention.
Do do you have 9 years spare to build a blog from scratch? |
 | | Press Releases
This looks awesome in theory as it will give you a quick *burst of traffic* for one day and ONE day only! Press releases are designed to create awareness so they have to be 'newsworthy' every time.
How many 'newsworthy' information can you write about every week? 1, 3 or maybe even 10 ... but what about the next week or the month after? |
 | | Social Media
YouTube™ was one expensive lesson for Google. A $1.65 BILLION lesson to be frank. Or was it?
A lot of money spent that’s for sure but is it generating views into CASH? Surely you can potentially get a lot of views to your videos... but the sad reality is, if you’re bored then what do you do? You check out YouTube™ to entertain yourself… right? You want to be entertained or do you want to make money? |
 | | Social Networking
Facebook™ and MySpace™ are awesome places to hang out and make new friends with the opposite and same sex. It’s like dating. So ... what's the purpose of Match.com!?!
They're surely growing at a *staggering rate* but did you know why these sites were created in the first place? They were created to S-O-C-I-A-L-I-Z-E!! |
 | | Social Bookmarking
The easiest there ever was when it started. You write a couple of lines, hit submit and you get a free backlink PLUS you got instant traffic.
Today MILLIONS of people are bookmarking every second, so don't expect visitors to find you listed in some *cluttered* RSS feed. Do you think people are going to go out of their way to find you? They would if you were Amazon™!! |
So you see I've tried them all and I can confirm and tell you from
my years of experience, these techniques are absolute garbage and they
DON'T work anymore...
...but the problem is, people
still decide to use them
over and over again with a 'hint' of hope that it might just work out this time.
The aftermath?
They end up
more bitter, more broke, worn out and frustrated when the money doesn't come in as quickly as they were promised.
So let me tell you this ...

For years experts have known that using 'old school' methods will only produce mere results. They're OVER *publicized* and ordinary people like yourself continously fall for them.
After weeks of hard work they'll get no results and each time their gut feelings get stronger, believing and confirming they can't make money online.
It's just unfortunate for them as they fall prey for these techniques.
But wouldn't it be easier if you could get as much traffic as you
ever need, without wasting time on SEO, pay per click, writing articles, blogging and forum schmoozing...?
Wouldn't it be better to have money coming in
hoping it will come 3 or 6 months from now?
Well, now it CAN!!
Because I'm going to give you instant access to a
*BRAND NEW* revolutionized software which,
I swear is 100% legal that CAN tap into an ocean of customers instantly.
Now allow me to shock you just a little further with this ...
It ONLY Requires 3 *BABY* Steps!!!
That's truly all you need to do ... so why are you complicating your life running the threadmill using old school techniques that DON'T work anymore?
It really doesn't matter what you sell, or who you sell it to. Once you have access to this level of traffic on demand, you'll be changing your life for the better.
You'll never look back once you apply the Auto Mass Traffic™ software...
Yes, it's unfair... but it's NOT illegal. And the truth is, money is floating around on the internet and ANYONE can grab it. You just have to reel your fishing rod in, (go where the traffic is) and take home your share (cash).
And right now, you have that opportunity. An opportunity to USE this *BRAND NEW* Unique, Cutting-Edge software for yourself... risk free.
It's Quick, Simple and Easy to Use.
It requires...
 | NO previous experience |
 | NO technical skills |
 | NO hosting costs |
 | NO crushing advertising costs |
 | NO guesswork |
 | NO sales skills |
 | NO content creation |
 | NO knowledge of marketing online |
The minimum skills required to use this software is clicking the mouse button and being able to copy and paste. That's all!!
There's no downloading and messing around with settings. It's ready to go as soon as you get access. You don't even need to pay the staggering hosting fees I'm paying to keep it running.
You're going to get every single step required to start pulling in hundreds of targeted visitors with this software as soon as you get access in the next 30 seconds.
A software you can activate from the comfort of your home and spend as little as a 'spare' 30 minutes to get started.
Think about it ...
Once you get instant access... you'll be amazed to discover how the software is EASY to use, SIMPLE to understand and pumps out powerful results every time without any guesswork or technical difficulties.
Suddenly all the 'make money' tales you have heard over the years, all the real meanings of working online and being your own boss ... come alive right before your very eyes.
You'll witness REAL cash being deposited into your own accounts ... account after account. You'll begin to hear constant, instant email messages with another 'Payment Received' notification.
Now tell me ... can there really be a more thrilling experience than this? Everything you've read, watched or heard about making money at home in your underwear, takes on a whole new meaning. Just imagine the expression on your face the moment the money hits your bank account.
You'll even call the bank up to confirm if THE money was actually deposited!!
Plus with all the time you'll be saving, all of the *insane* income you'll be making each and every day with this proven traffic software... what would a typical day be for you then?
Monday morning. You;re woken up by the sunshine light coming through your bedroom window. There's no alarm clock in this new life.
You slouch out of bed, and enjoy an empty house as everybody else has already left for school or work hours ago whilst you were sleeping.
You stumble into the kitchen to make some coffee and a full cooked breakfast... the kind of morning feast that most people only ever have time for on weekends.
You flip open your laptop on the kitchen table, to check your stats and sales.
Those fat checks have been coming in all night... and will continue to come in for the rest of the day, tomorrow, next week and next month. $2,765.95, $5,313.67, $6,037.85... one after the other, like clockwork.
The remaining day is a matter of deciding whether you want to have more fun with the software and make more money, or go play golf, or catch up with friends, or even just watch your favorite TV soap till late afternoon. Maybe you'll take the car for a spin, or heck, maybe you'll go shopping for that sports car you've always wanted.
This WON'T be a fantasy for you anymore. You'll be cashing in from home, generating BIG traffic volumes and sales online with a few clicks of a mouse button.
I've worked hard for this, 4 years and I don't want it getting into the wrong hands. This software deserves an honest and ethical owner... are you one of them?
I only want a 'handful' of serious people who want to work from home to get instant access to this *proven* traffic software system. This is BRAND NEW and never released before. I created this software from scratch and it easily generates several thousand visitors a day ... and there's no reason why it won't do the same for you.
Let me give you access and prove these facts to you...
 | It will free you from writing endless articles |
 | It will free you from creating website after website |
 | It will free you from long, torturous hours of endless work |
 | It will free you from creating graphics and banners |
 | It will free you from technical difficulties |
 | It will free you from guess work |
 | It will free you from frustration, anxiety and stress |
It means that once you download, you can forget all the technical, time consuming, difficult and frustrating aspects to making money online to actually making money for a change.
You can use this software on your own product or service...
You can use this software to promote other peoples products as an affiliate and receive commission checks...
Heck, you can even become a consultant for other people and charge them an arm and a leg for your time.
It doesn't even matter if you’ve been online for several years or this is your first website visit, male or female, in work or out of work. It makes no difference how bad or great your history is – how you can never get traffic – how you have never made any money online – how things never click in place for you – how much a prisoner you are to this game – how terrified you are of computers, websites or even blogs.
In my years of learning and experimenting with more or less every traffic generation technique, here's an astonishing fact.
Did you know, all the TOP earners working from home using the internet do NOT rely on Adwords™, SEO, blogging, article writing, social networks, social bookmarking...?
If YOU just mastered what is necessary... getting traffic with this revolutionary piece of software then the money will begin to roll in all by itself. And the best part is ... you don’t need to sit behind your computer screen, 18 hours a day to do so … NO!!!
Up to now this extraordinary traffic system would have cost as high as $1,997. But I know $2,000 is more than the average person can afford – so I'm deciding to get the price down so low that the software would pay for itself 10 TIMES over in a matter of hours of using it.
So here is an astonishing proposition...
If you check your traffic stats before and after applying the Auto Mass Traffic™ software and boast to your friends about it, here's what I'm prepared to do for you.
You can have access to the software, start getting insanes amount of traffic for only a fraction of what everyone else is paying these days to consultants.
I'm Not Going To Charge You A Thousand Bucks For This *BRAND NEW* Traffic Software ... and remember it's never been released before.
I'm not even going to charge half of that, at just $497.
Not even half again at just a paltry $250.
In fact, if you act right now, you can have it for a measly $37…. that's 62 cents a day!! And no ... that's NOT a miss print .
That's really a tear drop in the ocean when you see how much traffic you could be cashing in from, each and every week with this software.
And even though I am only asking for one small investment for full access, that doesn't mean I'm not going to back your investment up either.
I want to completely remove the risk here, and put all the risk on my own shoulders with this...

However if you don't get the traffic I'm claiming within the next 60 days as a result, then I want you to contact me and I will return every cent you paid. No questions asked. But that's not all... I'm also going to CHALLENGE YOU!
I've vigorously designed and tested this software so that anyone - including you - can jump right in and start getting VAST amounts of traffic, day after day.
With NO risk or endless learning curve, there really is no better way to start making money online these days.
However, I'm an honest guy and here's something you should know...
If you think you have what it takes to click the mouse button several times, copy and paste then I am certain THIS is going to be easy for you ... really easy.
I know, it can be tricky to make a decision here, especially when the price is really low. Fact is ... you've read this far and I know *THIS* software can help you succeed.
And here's something I want you to know...
I've been generating traffic and making money online for over FOUR years now. That’s 48 months, 1,461 days, 35,064 hours or 2,103,840 minutes for that matter.
I've built up a rock solid reputation that simply could not have been possible if I ever gave people like yourself some lame, rehashed software that didn't work. It's NOT worth it.
I've always been to the POINT, hence the reason why I have over 60,000 people following my other systems since I started teaching online. This unique software is being released for the very first time today and again, anyone can jump in and "just get it" from day one. Age, race, location and social status are no barrier.
I don't care if you've never made any money online before of if you're not a marketer or you struggle with the simple stuff. That's what this software is designed for... to help you past all those hurdles. And yes, when I say anyone, I'm talking about YOU too.
Even if you're struggling for time, or you're totally stressed out and fed up, this software will pick you up and move you quickly towards your first BIG breakthrough.
There's always a bit of anxiety and doubt when trying something BRAND NEW and out of the ordinary. That's why I've put a 60 day risk free trial in place so you can get started immediately with our baby steps and witness everything first hand for a FULL 60 days.
But remember ... nothing will ever be as simple, quick or easy to use as this software I have for you today. It's just 3 simple steps...
If you want to start getting instant targeted traffic, then I strongly suggest you give it a true and honest try. Just apply the software as we show you and there's no reason why you won't start seeing a serious influx of traffic coming in like clockwork, from your very first day.
And that's for $297/month - $37 ONE OFF investment TODAY. Just 62 cents a day!!
But that's not all... today, October 17, 2010 I'm throwing in my Fast Cash Generator Software to the deal too. This unique intelligence software will TELL YOU in advance if a visitor is going to be spending money with you or not.
This will give you an "unfair" advantage of knowing you're NOT wasting your time and efforts. You're here to make money and THIS software will indicate beforehand if you're going to make a sale or not.
Imagine having the power of this software in your hands against all odds??
And we'll even walk you through the whole process of sniper targeting them so in the end, all you do is collect your cash.
 | This software is the perfect solution to finding sniper targeted cash paying customers. |
 | It's combined technology has *PERCISION* indicators in place. It will inform you what percent of people will BUY (green indicator) from you and the percent of people that won't (red indicator) and never will buy from you no matter how hard you try. |
 | So *IMAGINE* knowing beforehand if a visitor is going to be spending money with you or not?! Word of warning though ... stay AWAY from the RED indicator ;-) |
 | If the red light goes off, you'll never see any money BUT if the GREEN light goes off ... then imagine how many instant cash ready visitors you'll be converting into customers when they come to you. |
So from here, you now have 2 choices...
1. Continue to spend all your time, money and energy on the *old school* junk techniques that don't work anymore...
... OR
2. Use a simple software that has absolute baby steps for pulling traffic and cash literally with a few clicks of your mouse button if that.
And when that happens, life changes in a big way.
Here's the worrying part though...

They will continue to self sabotage. They will convince themselves that it's impossible. They will let their previous bad experiences dictate their future choices.
They will never break free from their 9-5 work. They will never supplement their income. They will never get out of debt. They will never pay off their mortgage or loans. They will never get their dream car, house or vacation.
But you can be better than that. You STILL have a chance... right here, right NOW!
You have a *proven* software system waiting for you, which will allow you to break free and live a lifestyle that is usually reserved for rock stars and football players.
A software which will give you the freedom and the money to take your kids on vacations whenever you want to - without begging the boss for time off work, and without worrying about losing money or having to work extra when you get back to the office.
When you're reaching old age, do you really want to look back and say "I made my boss millions, but at least I got a state pension and paid off some debts..."
I'm sure you don't wanna see that day. You're worth way much more than that. I'm sure as you only live once.
Life is too short to miss out on opportunities, especially the one that's laid out today, right under your nose for the taking.
Isn't it time you proved everyone wrong ...? After all, you've been telling people about your plans for months now, and they're beginning to doubt you.
But who can blame them? After all, you're still not making money and you've spent thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours going round in circles so far.
It's time you STOPPED having the best days of your life wasted on 'OLD SCHOOL' techniques, strategies and systems that don't work anymore.
Seriously, once you start pumping out traffic with this unqiue system, you'll watch the money pour in day after day.
In fact, it's practically IMPOSSIBLE not to get this amount of traffic from this system, even if done poorly and with half of the effort.
 | I know you will finally generate all the traffic you need to make serious amounts of money day after day, month after month. |
 | I want you to try it out for a FULL 8 weeks and IF for any reason you are not happy with the results then simply let me know and I will issue an immediate refund. |
 | I am so confident this has never been released to the public before and if you are not completely 100% satisfied you will receive a no questions asked refund. |
Are you ready to use this *BRAND NEW* software to generate absurds amount of traffic with minimum amounts of work?? Then click the *Add To Cart* button below and get started immediately.
 | YES - I understand this is *BRAND NEW* and generates a lot of traffic easily |
 | YES - I totally understand this is the REAL deal and there is no other quicker way to generate server blowing traffic |
 | YES - I understand I can try this system out and put your claims to the test for a full 60 days, and if for any reason I change my mind I am covered by your no questions asked guarantee |
I'm ready to follow simple *baby* steps to live my dreams, quit my day job and make real money in the shortest time possible
This software will finally give me the freedom and lifestyle I have been in search for since coming online and I'll be taking advantage of your years of experience, trial and error
My life will never be the same as soon as I press the *Add To Cart* button below |
FACT: Don't hit the refresh button as *THIS* page may no longer be available. If the page goes down, there will be no more downloads available. Right now, you can have FULL complete access with today's discounted price of $37. A saving of $260!!
And don't forget ... you'll also get access to the Fash Cash Generator software too. I'm adding that FREE to the package but ONLY if you take action today. TAKE ACTION NOW!!
If you delay any further, your chances of securing BOTH softwares, will be ZERO!!
© Copyright Auto Mass Traffic. All rights reserved. -
posted by Kurosagi #